Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mountain bike

No update since last Apr 2008. Very lazy to update althought there are many hapennings etc.

Running have been good and able to achieve consistently 30km per week.
Lately due to the influence of collegues, began to re-ignite interest in mountain-biking. Currently looking to purchase a bike. Will use it as part of the cross-training for my running.

Currently preparing for
Ipoh Internation run (half marathon) - July 06
Penang Merdeka run 26km - Aug 10

Up coming events include the yet-to-be-announced Penang Bridge Marathon (PBM). Penang state government will organize this event, so if it is on, I will definitely support it even if running the half marathon distance.
Also, tempting to register for S'pore Standard chartered Marathon (Dec 07) which is a world-class event. Will depend if I am able to recover in time from the PBM.

In the mean time , I will pick-up mountain-biking. Seems like alot of good routes in Kulim vicinity to explore.

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