Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pretty scary ... cyber surveillence.

Recently I downloaded a webpage monitoring application from http://statcounter/ and what it can do is pretty scarry. The one that I got is the free public version, I just have to do some minor setting to its featues and then embedded the HTML codes into a public or personal website such as this one Blogspot.

The application not only able to provide the visitors path, recent visitor map, returning vistors, length of visit etc., it can also list out the IP address the visitors come from. The free version, enable me to log only 500 visit entries.

The feature that impress me most is that I can hide this application and the visitors will not even know that they are being watched. Luckily that the feature will only display the ISP name and not the visitor username .... but not sure what the paid version is capable of!

Also this application will be able to tell the referal page eg: from Google search, Facebook (which I have a link) or just from my blogspot URL. As of now, I know people visits this page from Singapore , Alor Setar and Penang. All the visits from within a company's proxy gateway only shows the company name.

Make you wonder, if there are still anymore cyber security and privacy. If this free version can have this many neat features, the paid version definitely can provide alot more details.

Pretty scary.... you are being watched...beware! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi! cousin,
well, my previous company is using this feature for their website. It is very useful and u r able to know which webpage the most visitors visit. Which webpage has the lowest visitor.

It enables we to analyse our potential customer, the purpose of the visitor whether it is the products that attracts them or just the design of the website attracts them etc...

your cousin-WongSH

Kum Yein said...

Hi SH,
Yes... i know that it can be useful too especially for web marketing etc. etc.
Depending how we want to make use of the info..
Regards. Kum Yein.