Monday, November 24, 2008

Year end concert ...

Its has been a SOP that all kindergarten will have a year end concert to ‘graduate’ their final year students before they step into Primary 1 the following year as well as let the non-graduating ones to perform song and dance to the delights of parents!


This is the 2nd year Yan Yan performs at her kindergarten’s concert. It was on Saturday Nov 22 5:30pm at Seri Malaysia Hotel. I looked forward to it and want to see how Yan Yan dance.


We arrived early at about 4:30pm so that Yan Yan can get ready with all the make-up and dress change. Nowadays, the stage costumes even for kids are so elaborated and pretty thus the parents have to either rent or buy them and it’s not cheap! Plenty of seat for us to choose and we settled for the 2nd front row so that we can shoot any video recording with any blockage.


Parents and families begin to build-up quickly within the next 30 minutes. The event starts sharp at 5:30pm with all the students onstage recite the RukunNegara and singing Negaraku then follow-by a short speech by the principle. After the appreciation award presentation to all the teachers, the graduating students ‘march’ onto stage to the tune of High School Musical. Some students have the natural talents of jumping, hoping and dancing to the tune and some are really ‘stiff’ and not able to dance at all. Each student was presented their graduation ceremony ‘scroll’ and award. They all look cute and pretty in their graduating gown...aren’t they all?


After this, there is prize presentation award to the best class position, best spelling, best writing and best coloring for each class. Yan Yan was first in her class of 8. She was also the best speller in her class. She walked on stage to receive two ‘trophy’. 


After this, the concert started. Yan Yan participated into two dances. Her first dance was with the 3-4year olds and it’s a Duckling Dance. Her second dance was Chinese Hip-Hop dance.

I like the latter better not only because she stands in front but I think the dance was better prepared. The Duckling Dance was a bit messy probably because most of the dancers are from the 3-4year old and some can’t even remember the dance steps and movements. Some of the group dances are very good especially the Western dance by the 6-year old boys as well as the Malay dance by the 6-year old girls. I guess the elder students are better performers and more ‘mature’.  Besides group dances there are story telling and an interesting choral as well. What lacking is individual singing and I think probably at this young age, it’s still hard to cultivate or train a good individual singer. Story telling by some of the selected students are just ‘so so’ because some doesn’t speak directly to the microphone thus making their voice barely audible. The audience also loose interest in story telling and everyone is more excited with the dance than story-telling.


All in all, there were about 10 concert items and the event draws to an end with all the teacher, students and parents singing “Auld Lang Syne” and “Goodbye Song”. Event ended at about 8:00pm and by that time everyone was hungry and tired. A good show and preparation put up by the and cheers to them! 


I am proud of Yan Yan’s dance performance ... and next year will be her graduating year!



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